Map of Atherton and Evelyn Tablelands and Oswald’s Track, 1918

Atherton Tablelands, QLD
1 January 1918
26 October 2010
26 October 2010


Atherton Tablelands, QLD

Collection of the Fryer Library, University of Queensland

Map of Atherton and Evelyn Tablelands and Oswald’s Track, 1918. Atherton Tablelands is noted as 313,000 acres, Evelyn Tablelands as 111,000 acres. Oswald’s Track to the south of Atherton Tablelands was 157,3000 acres reserved for post World War I soldier settlement. Map shows main towns, railways open and under construction. From Tablelands of North Queensland, 1918. Collection of the Fryer Library, University of Queensland

The Atherton Tablelands consists of three tablelands, Hann in the north, Atherton, and Evelyn in the south. It is situated in North Queensland in the Cairns hinterland.

School children Yandina, 1902

Yandina, QLD
1 January 1902
26 October 2010
26 October 2010


Yandina, QLD
Department of Education

Collection of the Queensland State Archives

School children town of Yandina, 1902. Sketch map indicates how far each child in the area must travel to school in Yandina. A total of 21 parents have 48 children who travel between 50 yards and 4½ miles to school. Other children ride, come by train or come by boat and walk to the school. Taken from Yandina school file, Department of Education, Brisbane.  Collection of the Queensland State Archives

Gympie, 1958

Gympie, QLD
1 January 1958
26 October 2010
26 October 2010


Gympie, QLD
Royal Australian Survey Corps

Collection of the Queensland State Archives

Gympie, 1958. Military survey map of Gympie (4 mile series), 1958. Third edition.  Produced by Royal Australian Survey Corps, 1958. Compiled in 1955 by the Royal Australian Survey Corps, from ground surveys, air photographs and 1 mile maps. Collection of the Queensland State Archives

Maroochydore military map, 1942

Maroochydore, QLD
1 January 1942
26 October 2010
26 October 2010


Maroochydore, QLD
2/1 Australian Army Topographical Survey Company

Collection of the Queensland State Archives

Maroochydore military map, 1942. Reproduced by 2/1 Australian Army Topographical Survey Company, November 1942. Surveyed in October 1942 by 3 Australian Field Survey Company with the aid of air photographs.  ‘This map is an official document. If found, it must be handed in to the nearest military headquarters or police station.’ Collection of the Queensland State Archives

Caloundra military map, 1942

Caloundra, QLD
1 January 1942
26 October 2010
26 October 2010


Caloundra, QLD
2/1 Australian Army Topographical Survey Company

Collection of the Queensland State Archives

Caloundra military map, 1942. Reproduced by 2/1 Australian Army Topographical Survey Company, September 1943. Surveyed in August 1942 by 3 Australian Field Survey Company with the aid of air photographs.  ‘This map is an official document. If found, it must be handed in to the nearest military headquarters or police station.’ Collection of the Queensland State Archives

Noosa Contour Map, 1966

Noosa, QLD
1 January 1966
26 October 2010
26 October 2010


Noosa, QLD

Collection of the Queensland State Archives

Noosa Contour Map, 1966. Drawn by J. Gurney. Contour map shows sealed and dirt roads, watercourses, national park boundary, low water and swamp beach. Collection of the Queensland State Archives

Suburban portions of Noosa and Tewantin, 1944

Noosa, QLD
1 January 1944
26 October 2010
26 October 2010


Noosa, QLD
Survey Office, Department of Public Lands

Collection of the Queensland State Archives

Suburban portions of Noosa and Tewantin, 1944. Parish of Weyba, County of March, Gympie Land Agent’s District, Wide Bay. Drawn and published at the Survey Office, Department of Public Lands, Brisbane, January 1944. Printed at the Government Printing Office. Price 1 shilling. Map shows suburban portions of Noosa and Tewantin including the T.M. Burke Estate, the area around Noosa and the Noosa River, including public and recreation reserves, Lake Weyba, national park and areas reserved for timber. Collection of the Queensland State Archives

The Sunshine Coast is one of Australia’s most rapidly changing regions.

Durundur Estate Map (Mount Kilcoy), 1902

Durundur , QLD
1 January 1902
26 October 2010
26 October 2010


Durundur , QLD
Survey Office, Department of Public Lands

Collection of the Queensland State Archives

8 miles to an inch

Durundur Estate Map (Mount Kilcoy), 1902. This estate plan available free for distribution, advertisers the selection of 38 portions of land in Mount Kilcoy, to be open for selection at the Woodford Court House on and after Tuesday 21 October 1902 at 11 o’clock. It was printed and published at the Survey Office, Department of Public Lands, Brisbane in September 1902. C.H. Baird was the Licensed Surveyor. It features a scene of the Lagoon above Mount Kilcoy Head Station. Also included are the terms and conditions of selection, railway and road mileage information, and a detailed list of the schedule of lots available with purchase price and fees. The map itself provides a brief indication of the nature of the land including ‘well grassed open flat’, ‘low ironbark and bloodwood ridges’ and ‘good soil’. Collection of the Queensland State Archives

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