
‘Queensland was established as a distinct Colony in 1859, under Sir G Bowen as first Governor. Area 678,000 sq. miles, or six times as large as Great Britain, of this about 195,000 sq. miles is occupied by pastoral stations. Pop (1861) 30, 059 (1864) 61,372. Immigrants from Britain (1862) 8573. In 1864 colonists arrived at the rate of 300 per week. Capital Brisbane, Pop (1861) 4225, (1864) 12,000. Imports (1862) £1,330,225. Exports £769,742. Wool exported (1860) 5,007,167 lbs. Value £444,188. Amount of Cotton grown in year ending 31 Dec 1863 – 34,000 lbs. Gold Copper and Tin are found in several localities. Coal and Iron abundant. Climate well adapted for the growth of the Sugar Cane, maize, arrowroot and the Coffee-tree. The mulberry tree is grown and good silk manufactured. Number of Sheep in the Colony (1861) 3,449,350. Cattle 432,890, Horses 23,504. Public revenue (1862) £346,431. Expenditure £318,311. Climate warm but healthy, resembles that of Madeira. Mean annual temp at Brisbane 68°, June & July 55°, Dec & Jan 78½ Fahr. Rainfall 43 inches, during 108 days, chiefly in Feb, March, April & August. Distance from Liverpool to Brisbane 17,500 miles. Average time by sailing vessel 94 days.’