Queensland Pilot Service, 1966-67

Torres Strait, QLD
1 January 1967
23 November 2010
23 November 2010


Torres Strait, QLD

Collection of the John Oxley Library, State Library of Queensland

Queensland Coast & Torres Strait Pilot Service, 1966-67. This map evokes the confusion of islands and shoals that face mariners along the Queensland coast. The markings show the intensity of survey work and the skill and commitment required to safely navigate these island infested waters. Ephemera, Collection of John Oxley Library, State Library of Queensland

Islands are an integral part of how Queensland is imagined, perceived and portrayed.

Street sign Dundalli Street, West Chermside. Photograph by Dale Kerwin, 2007

Copyright © Dale Kerwin, 2007

Richmond Downs Homestead, 1890

Drawing by Charlie Flannigan 1890 of Richmond Downs Homestead, Queensland. Collection of the South Australian Museum Archives



Richmond Downs, QLD

Aboriginal stockman, 1890

Drawing by Charlie Flannigan 1890 of an Aboriginal stockman and other characters. Collection of  the South Australian Museum Archives

Positioning of Queensland Native Police, Glenrowan, 1880

1 January 1880
19 November 2010
19 November 2010

Collection of the Queensland Police Museum

Sketch drawn by Stanhope O’Conner 19 July 1880 detailing where he and the trackers were positioned during the fire fight with the Kelly Gang. OC indicates O’Conner and Boy indicates the trackers. Collection of the Queensland Police Museum

Native Mounted Police contingent sent to Victoria to hunt for the Kelly Gang.

Collection of the Queensland Police Museum

The Sovereign, 2001

Drawing of Sovereign crossing the south bar by T. St. Ledger, 2001. Collection of the Queensland Maritime Museum

Dundalli House at Windsor was opened by the Minister for Family Services and Welfare Housing the Hon Peter McKechnie and the Brisbane Elders 22 November 1988.

Copyright © Dale Kerwin, 2007

Memorial to the seven men who swam out to save people from the wreck of the Sovereign at Amity Point Stradbroke Island. Photograph by Dale Kerwin, 2007

Copyright © Dale Kerwin, 2007

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