Harvesting the first sorghum crop on Peak Downs, June 1949. Massey Harris model 55k tractors hauling Sunshine model No 4 header harvesters. Collection of Andy Plunkett

Collection of Andy Plunkett

Planting the first sorghum crop on Peak Downs, January 1949. Massey Harris model 55K tractors hauling Sunshine 24 run combine drills. Collection of Andy Plunkett

Collection of Andy Plunkett

Ploughing phase on Peak Downs, 1948. Thiess Bros contractors came in with large powerful Caterpillar crawlers hauling multiple disc plough hookups.

Collection of Andy Plunkett

Queue for employment, Castlemaine Perkins Brewery, Milton, c1937. John Oxley Library, State Library of Queensland

Collection of John Oxley Library, State Library of Queensland image 185406

Searching for work, c1932. Reprinted in Sunday Sun (Brisbane), 4 October 1987. John Oxley Library, State Library of Queensland

Collection of John Oxley Library, State Library of Queensland image 17257

The Great Depression of the 1930s, when economies crashed world-wide, had a devastating effect on people.

Early in 1948 the Central Highlands of Queensland was abuzz with excitement. An organisation known as the Queensland British Food Corporation (QBFC) had formed to begin farming on a massive scale.

Plan of Rockhampton, 1858

Rockhampton, QLD
23° 22' 30" S, 150° 30' 42.0012" E
1 January 1858
2 November 2010
2 November 2010


Rockhampton, QLD
23° 22' 30" S, 150° 30' 42.0012" E
Surveyor General's Office, Sydney
Collection Queensland State Archives

Plan of the town of Rockhampton Parish of Rockhampton County of Livingstone, 1858. Surveyor General's Office, Sydney. An early plan of Rockhampton showing the proximity to the Fitzroy River. The floods of 1918 inundated buildings along Quay Street as far as Archer Street. Collection of the Queensland State Archives

Flood marker, Fitzroy River, Rockhampton, 2009, showing relative heights of the 1918, 1954 and 1991 floods. Photograph by Barbara Webster

Copyright © Barbara Webster, 2009

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