Crocodiles are a notable feature of life in North Queensland, but despite their fearsome reputation, their numbers have been curtailed by human activities, from hunting to tourism.

Lock the gate, Queensland, 2012.

Copyright © Luke Keogh, 2012

Gas flare, Roma, c1962. Postcard by Murray Views Pty Ltd, Collection of the Centre for the Government of Queensland, University of Queensland

Copyright © Murray Views and Centre for the Government of Queensland, University of Queensland

Open cut coal, Moura, 1965. Slide by Richard Hopkins, Collection of the Centre for the Government of Queensland, University of Queensland

Copyright © Richard Hopkins and the Centre for the Government of Queensland, University of Queensland

Dragline Moura Mine, 1982

Copyright © Lynne Cain and the Centre for the Government of Queensland, University of Queensland

Status Exploration Program, Dawson River, 1991

14 January 2013
14 January 2013

Queensland Department of Mines and Resources, Queensland Digital Exploration Reports Online

Status Exploration Program, Dawson River, 1991. This map shows the Dawson River and Hillview wells located directly in the vicinity of the 1976 wells (Moura, Kinma and Carra located in centre map). Dawson River would be the site of the first production of coal seam gas from a vertical well in Australia. From MIM Holdings Limited, ‘Well Completion Report: MIH Dawson River A1,’ 1991, company report 25317_1,Queensland Department of Mines and Resources, Queensland Digital Exploration Reports Online.

Broadmeadows Methane Gas Field, 1989

14 January 2013
14 January 2013

Queensland Department of Mines and Resources, Queensland Digital Exploration Reports Online.

Broadmeadows Methane Gas Field, 1989. The Broadmeadows field was a significant pilot program in the coal seam gas industry in the late 1980s in far North Queensland. This map shows the intensity of the drilling program that occurred over successive years from 1987 to 1989. The Broadmeadows field became an exemplary field to promote further investment and development in the industry prior to production in the early 1990s.  From North Queensland Energy Pty Ltd, ‘Well completion reports Broadmeadows No.’s: 1A, 9, 11, 12, 13,’ 1989, company report 21939, Queensland Department of Mines and Resources, Queensland Digital Exploration Reports Online.

Coal and gas in the Bowen Basin, 1949 and 2012

14 January 2013
14 January 2013



Map © Owen Powell, 2012

Coal and gas in the Bowen Basin, 1949 and 2012. In this map the places marked in Powell Duffryn map of the coal resources of Queensland from 1949 have been geo-coded to compare 1949 with 2012. The 2012 map shows current developments and existing projects in both the coal and gas industries. Map by Owen Powell, 2012.

Locality and Geological Map of The Bowen Basin Coal Basin Central Queensland, 1949

14 January 2013
14 January 2013



Collection of The University of Queensland Library

Locality and Geological Map of The Bowen Basin Coal Basin Central Queensland, 1949. This map from 1949 predates the shift to both modern open-cut coal mining and coal seam gas development in Queensland. Exploring the map in detail shows many of the places where coal had been reported in either outcropping or in water bores or government exploration wells. The significance of the map to coal seam gas industry lies in the combination of coal discovery in water bores. Coal seam gas comes to the surface in water that is stored in coal seams; water bores are put down by pastoralists and farmers to supplement their water supplies. The map shows the gathering of knowledge for exploitation and the competing land-use interests in Queensland. From Powell Duffryn Technical Services, First report on the coal industry of Queensland, Volume 3, Plate 40, Collection of The University of Queensland Library.

Coal seam gas has become one of the most divisive environmental issues of recent years.

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